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Say Yes to Avon Boss Life Today

Say Yes to Avon Boss Life Today – Looking to EARN an income or gain EXTRA income?  Have you researched ways how, with no OUTCOME?  Well, Say YES to AVON!  I’ll tell you why I said YES & how you can say YES!

Why I Said YES  to Avon!!!

Say Yes to Avon Boss Life Today
Certainly not limiting myself to selling Avon only online! Out with my son in the neighborhood, marketing Avon products and my Avon eStore!

Let me first briefly introduce myself.  My name is Stephanie & I am a proud Avon Independent Sales Representative.  Thank you for visiting my Avon blog site! 🙂

I am a former healthcare admissions director and a recent 1st-time mom.  My desire was to be a stay-at-home mom due to high day-care costs, and, not wanting to miss out on precious/priceless moments, because I’d be away from my child for more than 8 hours a day.  After 6 months of doing so, I was enjoying the quality time spent, but, was getting restless because I was used to working outside of the home.

How I Became an Avon Representative

True Story:  On November 30, 2015, I woke up and heard in an audible voice (the voice of God) – “AVON“.  I reached for my phone, Googled “AVON“, and, was surprised at the low starter fee.  I was even further impressed by the idea of having a personal online store and not having to go outside of the home to sell!  My prayer had been answered!  1)  I could work from home and raise my son.  2)  I could sell and promote online, making good use of my marketing skill acquired as an admissions director.  3)  I could “turn my passion for beauty into a businesss that works for me”!

Has selling online worked for me?  YES, IT HAS!  In the 3 short months that I’ve been an Avon rep, alongside the online customers in my city and state who I know, I have acquired 3 out of state customers who purchased Avon from my eStore, as a result of  seeing my marketing posts on social media.  Not bad, huh?….Are you ready to say YES to Avon?

How YOU can say YES to Avon!!!

  • Enroll online
  • Fill in online contract – takes less than 5 minutes
  • Choose from 3 Avon Starter Kits – $25, $50, $100

    • The Avon starter kit gives you all the essentials to get you up and running.

Click here to become an Avon Representative

Congratulations on Becoming Your Own BOSS!!!  🙂

15 reasons why you should sell Avon
*NOTE: Since this post was published, the Avon Start Up Fee now begins at $25.00. There are 3 kits to choose from – $25, $50, or $100.

My Avon success thus far:

Sell Avon online
THE HIT $100 CHALLENGE:  I placed an Order of $100+ in my first 5 Campaigns, and, received an assortment of beauty samples in each campaign (100 total), a $20 rebate in each campaign ($100 total), PLUS this Bonus Product Bundle!!!  Ready to Sign Up???  Click here!

Find OnlineBeautyBoss Elsewhere on the Web

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