Avon Campaign 8 2016 Brochure Online
Avon Campaign 8 2016 Brochure Online – For the current Avon campaign catalog, click here. Avon Campaign 8 2016 Brochures are effective online March 15, 2016 – March 28, 2016.
Avon Campaign 8 2016 brochure introduces a brand new clothing line, the Avon Signature Collection. I’m extremely excited about that, because I have a passion for fashion! 🙂

Click on the links or photos to view the online Avon brochures:
Avon Campaign 8 2016 Catalogs Online
Meet Mark Avon Campaign 8 / 9 2016
Avon Living Avon Campaign 7-10 2016
Spring Time Savings Avon Campaign 8 / 9 2016
Beauty Essentials Avon Campaign 7 / 8 2016
Shop Avon Campaign 8 2016 Online
Once you are finished browsing the online Avon catalogs, you can quickly place your order by shopping by product # on my website. Remember you can only order out of the current Avon campaign and 2 campaigns prior.
1. Go to https://stephanielackey.avonrepresentative.com.
2. Click on “Quick item entry” in the box at the top right of the screen (on your PC).
3. You can then add all of your items by entering each product number and checkout quickly.
Back Order from Previous Avon Campaigns
Did you know you can back order from the previous 2 Avon campaigns? Browse the online Avon catalogs, find the product numbers of the items you’d like to order, and write down which campaign you found the items in. Once you are ready to place your Avon order, click “SHOP NOW” on my website. In the upper right hand corner, click SHOP PRODUCT # You can then input your product numbers and use the drop down menus to select the correct campaign.
Save while you Shop Avon Campaign 8 2016 brochure online, with AVON COUPON CODES! Click here.
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