Work From Home – Sell Avon
I love the opportunity I took to work from home and sell Avon! Becoming an Avon Beauty Boss has afforded me the pleasure of staying at home with my son. I’m often asked by stay at home moms who are interested in earning any or extra income, “how does Avon work?” Some don’t know many people, don’t drive, drive but don’t have reliable transportation, find it hard to get anything done with kids running around and the full-time responsibility of being a mom. I, for one, can relate to 2 out of the 4.

Being a work from home mom as an Avon Representative is possible and can be done successfully. I also can relate to that because I’ve been doing it for over a year, achieving success selling at the President’s Club level! I’ll tell you how I did it and how YOU can, too.
Click here to become an Avon Representative
How To Sell Avon Successfully
How To Sell Avon Successfully – There are 2 ways to sell Avon:
Sell Avon Face To Face
- Tell everyone you know that you sell Avon. Share your brochures and product samples, when you are at the grocery store, PTA meetings, bank, hair salon, dry cleaners, offices and everywhere else you go!
- Talk about your favorite Avon products. And demonstrate how to use them. Wear the latest fashion, jewelry and fragrance, knowing your products…means selling more products! Familiarize yourself with the latest products.
- Talk to customers and potential customers (everyone!) Get to know your Customers – what they love and all their beauty needs…and don’t forget to follow up!
- And don’t forget to let all of your face-to-face Customers know that your Avon eStore is open 24/7.
Sell Avon Online
- Earnings without effort! Earn 20% earnings (25% for President’s Club & above) on all orders that Avon delivers directly to your Customers (Direct Delivery).
- Boost your total order size. When added to your face-to-face orders, Direct Delivery sales boost your total order size, which can help you reach a higher earnings level.
Your own online eStore. Open 24/7 for sales 24/7 – personalize and share it with everyone. - Avon collects payments from your customers, so you don’t have to.
How To Get Avon Customers Online
How To Get Avon Customers Online – Get social.
- Share posts & videos from the Avon Social Media Center to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+ to help promote your business, sell with ease, and share the Avon opportunity!
- Automated emails. You can choose, and, I highly recommend, to have Avon send automated emails on your behalf, to motivate your Customers to buy more!
How Much Does It Cost To Become an Avon Rep?
How Much Does It Cost To Become an Avon Rep? – Choose from 3 kits, starting at just $25, which give you all the essentials you need to get you up and running!
Click here to become an Avon Representative
Work from home, sell Avon and enjoy the Boss Life!
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Extra, Extra, Read All About It!
Click on links to read more:
- Avon Anew Reversalist Skin Care
- Sell Avon – Live the Boss Life!
- Celebrating 1 Year as an Avon Beauty Boss
- Fit & Fabulous After 40 & A Baby
- Avon Tips for New Reps
- Brighten and Whiten Your Smile Naturally
- Avon Coupon Codes
How To Shop Avon Online:
Back Order Avon Online:
Request an Avon Catalog
View Customer Pictimonials:
Buy Avon Online:
- Buy Avon Online
- Thank You For Your Business!
Sell Avon:
- Sell Avon
- Join A Winning Team!